SCG Crown Logo 

Located in Southern California

About Us
Golden Boys
Golden Girls
Toller Girls
Stud Dogs
Adults/Older Pups Available
Past Litters
In Memoriam

In Loving Memory:
Harriet S. Webb

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For information on our Goldens & Tollers, contact
Karen at

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Member of:
Golden Retriever Club of America

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Good Dog Breeder Badge

Harriet Spiva Webb

September 19, 1927 - January 17, 2004

My Mom, My Mentor...

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Joined by her Husband...

Jack Bassett Webb

May 9, 1924 - May 30, 2006

...And her Brother...

William Blanchet Spiva, Jr.

March 2, 1925 - January 24, 2006

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Harriet with her brother Bill, 1947-48


February 1957 with Tippee

February 9, 1957

February 15, 1957

Harriet & Jack's Wedding on March 9, 1957

March 27, 1957

Harriet & Karen in September 1959

Harriet with Pyr Pups, 1967

Harriet and Moki, June 1972

Harriet and Moki, November 25, 1973

Harriet and Moki, February 24, 1974

Harriet and Christian, May 23, 1976

Leonardo, Harriet and Chris, August 22, 1976

Harriet and Leonardo, February 13, 1977

Harriet and Leonardo, October 1977

Harriet and Leonardo, April 16, 1978

Jack and Harriet, January 1984

Jack, Harriet and Leonardo, GRCA National Specialty, NORCAL, 1986

Harriet and Leonardo, GRCA National Specialty, NORCAL, Veterans Obedience, 1986

Harriet and Garrick, December 11, 1991

Harriet and Donovan, July 14, 1992

Harriet and Garrick, January 23, 1993

Harriet and Garrick, February 6, 1993

Harriet and Tara, March 1993

Harriet and Garrick, May 29, 1993

Harriet and Garrick, January 23, 1993

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Updated: 24 Jul 2019